Data Extraction Software

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By default SimpleIndex uses the ANSI character set to display and edit captured OCR data, index field values and full-text OCR. This works for all languages based on the Latin alphabet (English, French, Spanish, German, etc.) To index documents in other languages like Chinese, Japanese, Russian, Arabic and other non-Latin alphabets, set the default character set using this registry key.

Apache Nutch. Here you can explore the list of high-quality data extraction software that will bring high productivity and efficiency in your business. Before exploring the list of free and open source data extraction software, let's have a quick look at the comparison chart of free and open source data extraction software.

If the key is not set correctly then Unicode text will show up as?????????? Use Notepad to edit the “Charset” value from the sample setting below and save it to a.reg file. Then double-click the.reg file to install (Administrator privileges required). You can download the.reg file here but you still need to edit in Notepad to set the Charset value before installing.

If you are on a 32-bit operating system be sure to remove the extra “WOW6432Node” from the registry path. HKEYLOCALMACHINESOFTWAREWOW6432NodeSimpleIndexMisc “Charset”=”1” Charset. On the Database tab there dropdown in the lower portion of the panel for Full Text OCR Field. Put the name of the field that will store the full-text data there. This must be configured both for Insert and Retrieval mode configurations. The database field needs to be sufficient length to store the entire text of your document.

Of course, the Insert Mode configuration must have “Enable Full Page OCR” checked to generate full text data from images. Text from MS Office documents, PDF files and existing OCR text files can be used without setting this option. When designing your Retrieval Mode configuration, create a Text field to use for full text search queries. On the Database tab, set the corresponding “Database Field Name” to the full text database field. When searching on your full text field, SimpleIndex finds the text you enter no matter where it appears in the document.

It is able to match partial words. It does not perform boolean or natural language search. MS Office and PDF files generated by software or PDF printer drivers already have the text you need to recognize in the file. Scanned documents need to use OCR to read text from an image of the page. With Office and PDF files, SimpleIndex can just read the text, which is much faster and accurate than image OCR. To recognize index fields from the document text, first create OCR fields on the Index tab as you would normally.

Next, on the Zones & OCR options tab, check the “Use Full Page OCR for this Field” option for each OCR field. This tells SimpleIndex to process the existing file text.

If the index value is a unique pattern of digits or list of possible values, use Template or Dictionary matching to locate the value within the text. Please see the manual for details on Template and Dictionary matching. If the value appears in a specific location in each file, coordinates can be used to locate it. When processing text, the X, Y, Width and Height settings correspond to. “MISSING” is what SimpleIndex puts for any field value used as a filename or folder name and is left blank by defualt.You can change this to whatever you want it to say when a field value is left blank. To do this go to “Job Options” then to the “Index” Tab now click “Advanced Options”.

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Data Extraction Software

In the middle of the window you will see a box labeled “Use this value whe a field is empty” just change “DEFAULT” to whatever you want (including leaving it blank) and click OK. Now the next time you have a blank field value for a filename or folder name it will have your new message. Use the Folder and Filename check boxes on the Index tab in the Job Options to indicate whether field values will be used to generate subfolders or filenames. Any field with the Folder option checked will create nested subfolders for each value in the order the fields are listed. Any field with the Filename checked will have the values concatenated to form the filename. For example, if Field 1 and Field 3 have the Folder option checked, and Field 2 and Field 3 have the Filename option checked, image filenames will be created in the format:%OUTPUTFOLDER%Field 1Field 3Field 2 – Field 3.tif The Filename Separator option on the Advanced tab lets you change the ” – ” between the fields in the filename to anything you want. Automatic Indexing Using Existing Data The Autofill feature of SimpleIndex is an easy way to associate many index fields with one document without retyping data that already exists in another database.

Autofill uses a database lookup to retrieve records that match a key value entered by the user. Blank index fields are then filled in automatically with the data from this lookup. The result is a document database with many different possible search fields, of which only one needed to be entered during scanning. The key field may be typed by the user, or it may be read from the document automatically using barcode recognition or OCR. The lookup is performed either when the user changes this field or when the index values are saved. If the lookup finds multiple matching records, the user will be notified and the first set of values will be used by default.

When used with pre-index batches, key information can be read automatically from barcodes or OCR and matched to database records with. Office Videos PDF Video The template and dictionary matching capabilities of SimpleIndex‘s OCR function can be used to extract index information from the text of existing MS Office and PDF files, or any file with an accompanying TXT file. SimpleIndex® will search the document for matches on unique patterns and value lists, then index the document with the matching data. Zone coordinates can be set to limit the search area to pre-defined regions on standard forms. The result is a fully automated indexing and renaming process for all your electronic documents! Using existing text, SimpleIndex can index and rename hundreds of files each minute and achieve perfect accuracy. These files can then be quickly searched with SimpleIndex Retrieval, SharePoint and Google search engines, or uploaded into your company’s document/content management system or custom business applications.

Enhanced Text Parsing & PDF Support MS Office and PDF text parsing features are now included in.