Endless Space 2 Endless Difficulty
Endless War submod can be downloaded to make the AI more aggressive towards the player. Link in the comments below.
I'm currently playing my very first game of Endless Space 2, and decided to jump in on endless difficulty, otherwise default settings, playing as the Human fascist race. I've settled a ton of systems, made sure I can colonise most planet types, made peace with the two AI factions once I started to really brush up against their borders and have. Early Hunter ship + Hyperium laser is the key to easy Supremacy win. Coordinator ship with Titanium slugs helps fast planet invasion.
Adds 'True Endless' difficulty setting and new AI bonuses to improve their play.
Freefall tournament kongregate. Even throw f-bombs! All class specific jetpacks allow you to hop and bound across the map gaining momentum and speed.Your teams combined skill and coordination determine the winner of this tournament.
New advantages to the AI give them the ability to field increasingly more and stronger fleets on 'Serious', 'Impossible' and 'Endless' while easier difficulties are unchanged.
At the same time, pirates and minor factions have a new 'Very Hard' setting to make them a bit more challenging to the player, without affecting the AI as they already have buffs to deal with them.
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- Serious: AI has the same buffs they had on Impossible plus other buffs to improve their play.
- Impossible: AI has the same buffs they had on Endless plus other buffs to improve their play.
- True Endless: AI has even more buffs than on Endless and major buffs to improve their play.
- Easy -> Normal: Pirates and the Academy only have a hacking debuff like they did on Normal.
- Normal -> Hard: Pirates and the Academy have better fleets and troops like they did on Hard.
- Hard -> Very Hard: Pirates and the Academy have even better fleets and troops than on Hard.
- Easy -> Normal: Minor factions have no advantage whatsoever like they did on Normal.
- Normal -> Hard: Minor factions are as strong they were on Hard setting.
- Hard -> Very Hard: Minor factions are more difficult to assimilate by force.
- +5 FIDSI per pop on planets (FIDSI = Food, Industry, Dust, Science, and Influence)
- -2.5 Influence per pop on planets like before to prevent them from converting every systems
- Progressive bonus to Industry based on Manpower (Max. Manpower / 300, e.g. if AI has 6k Manpower, he gets 6000/300 = +20 Industry per pop)
- Progressive Ships/Improvements Cost Reduction also based on Manpower, up to -25%. Wonders and Behemoths are not affected.
- Small progressive bonus to Science, mostly for late-game ((Command Points / 3) – 2 = bonus Science per pop. Maximum is (36/3)-2 = +10 Science per pop)
- 25% of Manpower Capacity regained each turn
- +20 Experience per turn on ships (takes 15 turns to become Elite)
- +50% Movement points on ships
- +300% Vision Range on fleets and +5 Vision Range on systems
- +6 CP (Command Points) on fleets (+2CP on player’s fleets)
- +300% to +100% Strategic resource production on systems
- +25% Research bonus on military techs
- Up to -30% Dust Inflation in late-game (same as the player)
- +80 Happiness
- -80% Over Colonization Penalty
- -80% Upkeep (heroes, system improvements and ships)
- Large Essence bonus for the Vodyani
- Vines spread 5x faster for the Unfallen
- Honor (Keii) bonus and +2 Behemoths max. for the Hissho
- +10% Hacking Speed and +40 Bandwidth for all factions (Penumbra DLC)
- And major combat bonus against pirates
- +4 FIDSI per pop on planets (FIDSI = Food, Industry, Dust, Science, and Influence)
- -2 Influence per pop on planets like before to prevent them from converting every systems
- Progressive bonus to Industry based on Manpower (Max. Manpower / 450, e.g. if AI has 6k Manpower, he gets 6000/450 ≈ +13 Industry per pop)
- Progressive Ships/Improvements Cost Reduction also based on Manpower, up to -25%. Wonders and Behemoths are not affected.
- Small progressive bonus to Science, mostly for late-game ((Command Points / 4) – 2 = bonus Science per pop. Maximum is (36/4)-2 = +7 Science per pop)
- 15% of Manpower Capacity regained each turn
- +10 Experience per turn on ships (takes 30 turns to become Elite)
- +25% Movement points on ships
- +200% Vision Range on fleets and +5 Vision Range on systems
- +4 CP (Command Points) on fleets (+2CP on player’s fleets)
- +200% to +50% Strategic resource production on systems
- +15% Research bonus on military techs
- Up to -20% Dust Inflation in late-game (same as the player)
- +60 Happiness
- -60% Over Colonization Penalty
- -60% Upkeep (heroes, system improvements and ships)
- Moderate Essence bonus for the Vodyani
- Vines spread 3x faster for the Unfallen
- Honor (Keii) bonus and +1 Behemoth max. for the Hissho
- +10% Hacking Speed and +40 Bandwidth for all factions (Penumbra DLC)
- And major combat bonus against pirates
Note: 'Endless' setting had the same buffs as above but without the added ones in bold.
Current Status:
v1.6 Release – Added compatibility with Awakening DLC.
Various QoL tweaks used. Recommended mods:
– BattleMod by Foraven (AI and combat rework)
– Endless War by Amplitude (official mod for masochists)
– Combat Balance by Aitarus (not updated in a while)
– The mod can be added mid-game and still work. The AI will just need a bit of time to adjust to his newfound power. That also means you can revert the changes if you find yourself overwhelmed.
– Like with all gameplay mods, achievements are disabled with this mod. You have to import the changes yourself using a text editor if you want to earn achievements.
– Screenshots: first is just one of many epic battles against the Cravers. Others shows that same Craver AI’s huge fleets and resources / manpower bonuses, in part thanks to the new AI bonuses.
*Artwork: 'Lost Hunt'[artstation.com] by Thomas du Crest (Amplitude concept artist)
Old revisions of this mod are available below. Click the link to download.
Endless Space 2 - The Vaulters - PrologueAn ancient faction, the Vaulters suffered continual setbacks in trying to establish a permanent home for themselves. Not so much restless wanderers as adaptable pragmatists, their centuries of travel and tinkering have made them skilled at both science and warfare.
Defense remains their preferred military strategy, and their grim tenacity makes them effective defenders. They have a tradition of appointing female leaders, and their history of escaping and surviving to fight another day continually reaffirms it. Contents DescriptionThe Vaulters left the planet of Auriga when potentially cataclysmic geo-atmospheric problems were detected. Having left their homes, gods, and many of their people behind them, the dream of regaining these things has gained an almost mythical status.They are a stubborn, resilient people that have spent centuries seeking a home. Stranded on the world of Auriga, they had to survive the harsh climate and even harsher neighbors.
In a years-long effort, they managed to repair their ancient colony ship, the Argosy, and once again depart before the dying planet became their grave. Once more among the stars, the people that now call themselves the Aurigans still seek traces of their past as well as a safe place to build their future.LoreThe Vaulters are the descendants of the crew and cargo of the Argosy, a Mezari penal Arkship that crashed on the world of Auriga. Stranded, isolated and without any technology to properly repair and refuel the crashed dreadnought, the surviving Vaulters salvaged what they could from the wreck and set about making a foothold on the strange yet beautiful planet. They found vast underground labyrinths under Auriga's surface and built great halls and fortress cities there.
As summers and winters passed, the Vaulters had finally found peace and prosperity. Skilled in mining, crafting and studying Auriga, knowledge of what came before became lost in legendary myths that were now largely ignored, and eventually forgotten.Centuries later an 'event' triggered The Great Quake, labyrinths collapsed on the Vaulter's cities and cracked open their halls revealing long forgotten relics and secrets that shared their patterns and images. A race beaten and their underground homes decimated, the Vaulters fled the destruction, taking the newly acquired relics and technology with them to surface where they were met with an uncertain and dangerous journey.After finding Opbot in a forgotten cavern, the Vaulters rediscovered the Argosy with his help.
After facing civil wars and the worst of foes Auriga could offer, the Vaulters repaired the ship as much as they could and left the dying planet behind, alongside the, using Opbot as the ship's power source. As the Argosy escaped Auriga's atmosphere, another group of survivors that escaped the planet in an abandoned ship had a powerful device explode in the ship's cargo bay when it jumped. The explosion was so powerful that it destroyed the Argosy's propulsion systems, leaving it drifting across the depths of space for millennia.Opbot kept the ship and its cryopods running for centuries, as the Argosy traveled the void of space. Just when it seemed he would shut down and doom the Vaulters, the Argosy flew close to the Lodestone of the Nine, a powerful Endless rejuvenation field, that restored Opbot's systems and the ship's engines, saving the Vaulters and giving them a new chance to rebuild.LeadershipBearing the title she held before the centuries of cryo-sleep, Ilona Zolya, the First of the Bloodline, is the uncontested leader of the people once nicknamed 'Vaulters'. The Zolya family have been hereditary rulers for generations, and the continued survival of her people attests to the excellence of their dedication and training. While the structure might appear to be a monarchy, in reality the various guilds and families provide checks and balances that limit the power of the First.
With a strong, shared sense of tradition and community, the Aurigans under Zolya hope to find a lasting home somewhere in the forbidding darkness of the galaxy.HomeworldBefore she died, Auriga was a garden planet, and the body of one of one of the last survivors of the Lost, a race of god-like beings from which Dust originally came from. Auriga housed the Husk of Knowledge, the greatest site for the study of xenobiology created by the genius of the Concrete Endless. A towering achievement of industry and science, the surface and crust of the planet were a warren of laboratories, biospheres, and research centers, with myriad experiments run on both natives like the Allayi, the Guardians, and the Drakken and alien lifeforms like the Kapaku. A site of major conflict during the Dust Wars, the planet never fully recovered from the damage done by the Virtuals' assault. Over the millennia, the environment degraded and the surface of the planet was covered in ice. While there are rumors and expeditions that claim to have uncovered miraculous ruins and the vestiges of great empires, today Auriga is an icy tomb.The Aurigans have no homeworld anymore; they were driven from Auriga by its inevitable decline and seek to find a new one. While the Argosy fulfills this role for the moment, it is clear that they must find a suitable planet and establish a colony as quickly as possible.
Time is running out for the ship, and therefore the Aurigans themselves.SocietySplit by necessity into two peoples, the Aurigans on the Argosy hope to find and establish a colony in time to return and rescue those who stayed behind on Auriga. They are led by the leader formally referred to as 'First of the Bloodline', though their intermarriage with other Aurigan humanoids has made them genetically more diverse and resilient.
They still feel a strong connection with those who were stranded, of course, and dream of returning to find them alive.Before the Argosy, their society had traditionally been structured along roughly feudal lines, with 'Protectors' in the role of aristocracy and a priesthood of the Great Orrery looking after spiritual matters. Numerous cataclysms and the apocalypse of the planet have shaken the power of the church, leading the Aurigans to evolve into what would be called a constitutional or federal monarchy. However, while their faith in the divine has been shaken, their faith in the First of the Bloodline remains unwavering.MechanicsThe vaulters have a few major twists on colonization, and movement; once settled on a planet they're fairly 'vanilla' in their gameplay and planet management.
They also have a big twist to 'system development' which is normally done with luxury resources.Involuntary Nomads (colonization): The Vaulters don't have colony ships. They have one, single 'master' ship for colonization, called the Argosy. Most factions will 'consume' their colony ship upon founding an outpost, making it necessary to build more; the Vaulters instead will have the Argosy become disabled for a few turns immediately after colonization, in the hangar of the new system.The act of colonization for them is instant; there is no 'outpost' period.
If a system isn't occupied by opponents, the selected planet will immediately become a full, operational colony. It's worth noting that for balance reasons, they can't do this if any enemy has an outpost on any of the planets; if they could, they could time it right to waste the very large amounts of effort most factions have to put into food shipments to get really earlygame colonies, and thus could bully an enemy that spawned immediately adjacent to them into struggling to actually complete any new colonies (this would be an issue in i.e. Random map layouts).They can choose to eliminate any enemy colonies the same way any other faction does - by moving in military ships and blockading it, and once this is done the system is free for you to colonize.They're gated in their colonization speed by a special 'extra cost' to colonization - after colonizing a system, they'll be able to use the argosy again in a very short amount of time (2-3 turns), but if they want to actually settle with it, there will be an enormous additional cost of (usually a few thousand), and a cost of. Every turn this cost will decrease substantially, until after about 10 turns it has reduced to zero.What this means is that there's a hard ceiling on how quickly the vaulters can colonize, but there's also a much, much more imposing 'soft ceiling' that can be overcome by picking some clever settlement locations and securing an enormous supply of the two strategic resources - that, and dust.Involuntary Nomads (homeworld): The vaulters also don't start on a unique 'home system'. In fact, they don't start out with a system at all - they start out with their Argosy colonizer, sitting on top of a special anomaly, and have to manually seek out a system to actually settle. This gives you a bit of flexibility in your choice of system. The unique anomaly is a 'regeneration field'; if this is overlapped by your influence circle, it provides a modest amount of dust and a powerful amount of ship regen.Involuntary Nomads (golden ages): Since the Vaulters may be forced to wander around before colonizing, they're also given a bonus that tallies up for every turn the argosy is technically ready to colonize, but during which you haven't yet colonized.
This is really just a 'consolation prize' for taking a while to form a colony, and also exists to help keep their colonies from starving due to their 'Black Thumbs' food malus by giving them a boost during the period of time it takes to erect e.g. Drone Networks.The specific bonus given by a Golden Age is:+25 on System, +25 on Empire, +15 on System, +10 on Empire, and +5 on System, as well as -50% Influence Conversion Rate on System.Metafolding: The vaulters can build portals. Portals are either a building, or late in the game, a capital ship module, which allows special movement. Specifically - any fleet can travel from a node with portals on it to any other node with portals in a single turn of movement, no matter how far away. Like a wormhole, this will immediately consume all movement points.Allies are allowed to use your portals.Portals are useable by military ships, and by the visible civilian ships that transport population units (the vaulters probably have the single safest means to shuffle their pop types around).
However, they cannot be used to link together trade routes.If you give a ship movement orders, it will default to using the shortest possible path offered by the portal network, rather than the shortest geometric path (which is to say, the ships are clever about optimizing your path for you). Portal usage is automatic, and just part of plotting regular ship movement; it's not an explicit fleet action that needs to be performed.Corsairs (privateers): The vaulters can perform the same 'privateers' action other factions can, by disguising their ships as pirates. This allows them to fight battles, even with allies, and even against ground targets (if invaded and defeated, an enemy system will become a 'hunting ground' that's fair game for settlement. Unlike other factions, they can do this with more than just the ships bought off of the marketplace - they can also do it with their faction-unique ships as well.The most important thing about this is that it can be done immediately from the start of the game; it doesn't require teching to the rather late-game point at which most other factions can get the tech.Corsairs (pirate relations): The vaulters can perform a special action, called the 'Non-Aggression Pact', with a single buyout of influence, to force a 'Cordial' rating with the pirate league.
These are the unique rewards (as opposed to ones which are just randomly-chosen strategics/luxuries/one-time-FIDSI-boosts/etc) which only this faction has access to, earned by completing their faction quest. Rewards in different columns are mutually exclusive, only accessible on their branch of faction quest.ChapterMilitaristsScientists1.2. Hellraiser Torpedos: (Weapon Module) 50dps, 15% critical hit chance, salvo heath: 90, cost: 40, 1. Tiryak Drive: (Support Module) 4 move speed, 5% ship evasion, 1.2. Underground Citadel.