Essential Cell Biology Torrent 3rd Edition

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Mathematical Modelling, Ecology, Physiology and Cell Biology. Prentice Hall, New Jersey. Schubert, ed. Torrent-Guasp, et al. Third Users Conference of the National Library of Medcine's Visible Human Project, 1–81, 2000. Essential Cell Biology, fourth edition, provides an up-to-date introduction to the fundamental concepts of cell biology as well as rapidly growing fields such as stem cell biology, development, and cancer.With 20 chapters, the book covers topics such as macromolecules, DNA replication, gene transcription, cell membranes, cytoskeleton, and the cell-division cycle.

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First developed as an accessible abridgement of the successful Handbook of Stem Cells, Essentials of Stem Cell Biology serves the needs of the evolving population of scientists, researchers, practitioners, and students embracing the latest advances in stem cells. Representing the combined effort of 7 editors and more than 200 scholars and scientists whose pioneering work has defined our understanding of stem cells, this book combines the prerequisites for a general understanding of adult and embryonic stem cells with a presentation by the world's experts of the latest research information about specific organ systems. From basic biology/mechanisms, early development, ectoderm, mesoderm, endoderm, and methods to the application of stem cells to specific human diseases, regulation and ethics, and patient perspectives, no topic in the field of stem cells is left uncovered. Key Features. Contributions by Nobel Laureates and leading international investigators. Includes two entirely new chapters devoted exclusively to induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells written by the scientists who made the breakthrough.

Edited by a world-renowned author and researcher to present a complete story of stem cells in research, in application, and as the subject of political debate. Presented in full color with a glossary, highlighted terms, and bibliographic entries replacing referencesReadership. ForewordPrefaceList of ContributorsPart I: Introduction to Stem CellsChapter 1.

Strezov sampling arva children choir free download software. Why Stem Cell Research? Advances in the Field1.1 The Origins of Stem Cell Technology1.2 Organizations that Advocate and Support the Growth of the Stem Cell Sector1.3 Applications of Stem Cells in Medicine1.4 Challenges to the Use of Stem CellsFor Further StudyChapter 2. ‘Stemness’: Definitions, Criteria, and Standards2.1 What is a Stem Cell?2.2 Self-Renewal2.3 Potency2.4 Clonality2.5 Definition2.6 Where do Stem Cells Come from?2.7 Stem Cells of the Early Embryo2.8 Ontogeny of Adult Stem Cells2.9 How are Stem Cells Identified, Isolated, and Characterized?2.10 Embryonic Stem Cells2.11 Adult Stem Cells2.12 Stemness: Progress Toward a Molecular Definition of Stem CellsAcknowledgmentsFor Further StudyChapter 3.

Pluripotent Stem Cells from Vertebrate Embryos: Present Perspective and Future Challenges3.1 Introduction3.2 Biology of ES and ESL Cells3.3 Stem Cell Therapy3.4 SummaryFor Further StudyChapter 4. Embryonic Stem Cells in Perspective4.1 Embryonic Stem Cells in PerspectiveFor Further StudyChapter 5. The Development of Epithelial Stem Cell Concepts5.1 Introduction5.2 A Definition of Stem Cells5.3 Hierarchically Organized Stem Cell Populations5.4 Skin Stem Cells5.5 The Intestinal Stem Cell System5.6 Stem Cell Organization on the Tongue5.7 Generalized Scheme5.8 SummaryFor Further StudyPart II: Basic Biology and MechanismsChapter 6. Stem Cell Niches6.1 Stem Cell Niche Hypothesis6.2 Stem Cell Niches in the Drosophila Germ-Line6.3 The Germ-Line Stem Cell Niche in the Drosophila Ovary6.4 Germ-Line Stem Cell Niche in the Drosophila Testis6.5 Coordinate Control of Germ-Line Stem Cell and Somatic Stem Cell Maintenance and Proliferation6.6 Structural Components of the Niche6.7 Stem Cell Niches Within Mammalian Tissues6.8 SummaryAcknowledgmentsFor Further StudyChapter 7. Mechanisms of Stem Cell Self-Renewal7.1 Self-Renewal of Pluripotent Stem Cells7.2 Prevention of Differentiation7.3 Maintenance of Stem Cell Proliferation7.4 Maintenance of Telomere Length7.5 X Chromosome Inactivation7.6 SummaryFor Further StudyChapter 8. Robert Lanza, M.D.

Is currently Head of Astellas Global Regenerative Medicine, Chief Scientific Officer of AIRM and an adjunct professor at the Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine. Time magazine recognized him as one of the “100 Most Influential People in the World,” and Prospect magazine named him one of the Top 50 “World Thinkers.” His research focuses on stem cells and their potential to provide therapies for some of the world's most deadly and debilitating conditions. He has hundreds of scientific publications and over 30 books, including definitive references in the fields of tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. He is a former Fulbright Scholar, and studied with polio-pioneer Jonas Salk and Nobel laureates Gerald Edelman and Rodney Porter. He also worked closely (and co-authored a series of papers) with psychologist BF Skinner and heart transplant-pioneer Christiaan Barnard. Lanza received his undergraduate and medical degrees from the University of Pennsylvania, where he was both a University Scholar and Benjamin Franklin Scholar. Lanza was part of the team that cloned the world’s first human embryo, the first endangered species, and published the first-ever reports of pluripotent stem cell use in humans.

Anthony Atala is the Director of the Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine, and the W.H. Boyce Professor and Chair of the Department of Urology at Wake Forest University. Atala is a practicing surgeon and a researcher in the area of regenerative medicine. His current work focuses on growing new human cells, tissues and organs. 'serves the needs of the evolving population of scientists, researchers, practitioners, and students embracing the latest advances in stem cellsFrom basic biology, early development, ectoderm, mesoderm, endoderm, and methods to the application of stem cells to specific human diseases, regulation and ethics, and patient perspectives, no topic in the field of stem cells is left uncovered.'

Essential Cell Biology Torrent 3rd Edition

- Anticancer Research 34, 2014'This book offers a thorough review of current research and therapeutic potential in the field of stem cell biology. The focus is on the therapeutic potential of stem cells, with the discussion of the current state of stem cell knowledge and stem cell therapies in various organs and tissuesany scientists interested in studying the field would benefit from this book's thorough treatment of the subject.' Rating: 4 Stars-, March 7, 2014.