Msha Inspector Hiring Program Study Guide

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Shreddage 2 fl studio download. Electrical Training UpdateWESTVIRGINIA OFFICE of MINERS' HEALTH, SAFETY and TRAININGELECTRICAL CERTIFICATIONUPDATENew Electrical Certification RegulationsRULESAND REGULATIONS GOVERNING THE STANDARDSFORCERTIFICATION OF COAL MINE ELECTRICIANSMSHA will no longerrecognize the West Virginia low-medium voltage electrical certification. TheWest Virginia Board of Miner Training, Education and Certification, has approvedthe new 18 hour training program made available for those who need additionalhours to upgrade their card, or for future electrical examinations. The changes were made to the regulations regarding the electricalcertifications and filed with the West Virginia Secretary of State’s Office.The changes that were made have been filed as an Emergency Rule, which is effectiveas of August 7, 2001. Adownloadable '.PDF' versionof the new regulations is available You will needto have inorder to view these files.Revised Electrical Study GuidesThe ' Seventh Edition of the West Virginia Mine ElectriciansCertification Program Study Guide', contains revisions related to highvoltage.

This appendix is to be used as a reference to the hands-onpractical portion of the examination. You can obtain a copy of the revisedstudy guide from any WV or order onethrough our page.New Electrical PanelsThe need for more advanced training for mine electricians has been observed many times.In the past it has been difficult to simulate the conditions presented by a high voltagesubstation. Several MHS&T employees recognized that need and decided to do somethingabout it.

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They have designed and constructed new high voltage electrical simulationpanels. In the photo below, the panels are shown during the construction process.These panels simulate a high voltage substation that protects the circuitry of anunderground mine high voltage transmissions. WVMHS&T staff involved in the design andconstruction of the panels included: Tom Harmon, Jim Berry, Bennie Comer, Randy Smith andBob Thornsbury. Tom Harmon provided his workshop to the crew for the production of theunits.

MSHA's Handbook Series. PH19-IV/V-1 General Inspection Procedures Handbook replaced respective Coal GIPH and Metal/Nonmetal GIPH. #N#PH19-IV/V-1 — General Inspection Procedures Handbook. Coal Mine Safety and Health (Only) #N#PH89-V-1 Coal Mine Health Inspection Procedures. Chapter 1 — Respirable Dust. Chapter 2 — Part 72 & Part 90.

First, a prototype was built to prove the idea would work. Once the prototype wascompletely tested, work began on the individual units. Ten panels have been constructed sofar as shown in the photo below.Virginia, Alabama and other coal states have expressed much interest in these newdevices. In addition to the coal states, MSHA and the industry have also shown interest.Most of these parties want to construct panels for their training classes.

We plan to makeavailable plans and material lists for all interested parties. MHS&T may make theseplans available on the internet through our WebPages.WV MHS&T has planed to complete a video of an electrical inspection to be used inconjunction with the new panels.For more information, contact any WVMHS&T electrical inspector. Return to:Go to:Go to:Note: The information obtained from these documents isaccurate to the best of our knowledge and is not a substitute for current mining laws orregulations. The state is not liable for any damages resulting from any informationthat unintentionally may be inaccurate or untimely.